Weddings are big occasions of great significance. There are therefore many important things to consider when preparing your wedding day. We take your commitment to each other very seriously. To help you give your relationship the very best you will need for life together we ask you to consider the following:
- All weddings held at St Michael’s will use an authorised order of service of the Anglican Church of Australia. This still offers plenty of opportunities to customise the service to make your wedding day special;
- As your wedding will be in the Christian tradition at least one of you must have been baptized (sometimes called ‘Christened’).
- The wedding must be conducted by one of the clergy of St Michael’s North Carlton or another licensed Anglican minister.
- You and your partner will be required to undertake a professional pre-marriage education course (usually 2 or 3 sessions at a reasonable cost). Download our information leaflet here for more information;
- You and your partner will be asked to set aside a minimum of six months from the time you contact the church to your wedding day. This gives adequate time for us to make a booking, for you to undertake professional relationship counselling and for you to hold meetings with your minister;
- If you or your partner have been married before, you will be encouraged to know that the Anglican Church affirms re-marriage. The professional couple counselling you will be asked to take up is designed for those who have had long-term relationships prior to this wedding;
- We also encourage couples to attend church services regularly together on Sundays.
- Fees for weddings will be explained by the minister at the time of your telephone enquiry. You can contact a minister at St. Michael’s on 03 9380 6387. Please read the information brochure here before calling.