Walking Group

St Michael’s has a long established walking group which meets every Tuesday morning at 7.30am, to explore urban paths that cross through and alongside wetlands, neighbourhoods, fields, parks and waterways. Friends and neighbours are always welcome.

Last Tuesday we started our walk at Ceres, having met at the church at 7:30 to car-pool. We crossed the Merri Creek from Brunswick over to Northcote on a magnificent new pedestrian bridge. After exploring some interesting back streets, we retraced our steps to wander around the Ceres site noting several recent very creative developments, before heading for a cuppa at the onsite cafe between the chooks’ area and the plant nursery. Well worth another visit!

Listen out for more information during the notices at Sunday services and via the website

Co-ordinator: Audrey Lile 
Contact the office for more details: office@stmichaelsnc.org.au

All welcome!